Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

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Importance of Baby Teeth - Discovery Kids Dentistry
src: discoverykidsdentistry.com

The oldest teeth , commonly known as baby teeth and temporary teeth , are the first set of teeth in human growth growth and other diphyodont mammals. They develop during the embryonic development stage and erupt - that is, they become visible in the mouth - during infancy. They are usually lost and replaced by permanent teeth, but without a permanent replacement, they can remain functioning for years.

Video Deciduous teeth


Primary teeth begin to form during the embryonic phase of human life. The development of primary teeth begins in the sixth week of dental development as dental laminae. This process begins at the midline and then spreads back into the posterior region. By the time the embryo is eight weeks old, there are ten buds in the upper and lower arch which will eventually become the oldest (deciduous) teeth. These teeth will continue to form until they erupt in the mouth. In the main teeth there are a total of twenty teeth: five per quadrant and ten per arch. The eruption of these teeth ("teething") begins at the age of six months and continues until the age of twenty to thirty three months during the major dental period. Usually, the first tooth seen in the mouth is the central mandible and the latter is the maxillary second molars.

Primary teeth consist of central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and secondary molar; there is one in each quadrant, making a total of four teeth each. All of this is gradually replaced by a permanent partner except for the first and second molars; they are replaced by premolars.

Replacement of the first tooth begins around the age of six, when permanent teeth begin to appear in the mouth, resulting in a mixture of teeth. Permanent erupting teeth cause root resorption, where permanent teeth suppress the roots of primary teeth, causing the roots to be dissolved by the odontoklas (as well as the surrounding alveolar bone by the osteoclasts) and absorbed by permanent tooth formation. The process of shaving first teeth and replacing them with permanent teeth is called exfoliation. This may last from six to twelve. At the age of twelve usually only remaining permanent teeth. However, it is not too rare for one or more primary teeth to be maintained beyond this age, sometimes to adulthood, often because secondary teeth fail to develop.

Growing teeth old age teeth:

  • Middle series tooth: 6-12 months
  • The lateral series teeth: 9-16 months
  • First molar: 13-19 months
  • Canine teeth: 16-23 months
  • Second molar: 22-33 months

Maps Deciduous teeth


Primary teeth are very important in the development of the mouth. The eldest teeth retain the length of the arch in the jaw, the bones and the permanent teeth of the surrogate develop from the same tooth germ as the oldest teeth. The primary teeth provide guidance for permanent dental eruption pathways. Also the jaw muscles and jaw bone formation depend on the main tooth to keep the right distance for permanent teeth. The root of the first tooth provides a gap for permanent teeth to erupt. The primary teeth are important for the development of the child's speech, for the smile of the child and play a role in chewing the food, although children who have removed their primary teeth (usually due to dental caries) can still eat and chew to some extent.

Managing Deciduous Teeth in Young Horses â€
src: thehorse.com

Society and culture

In almost all major European languages ​​the tooth is called "baby teeth" or "milk teeth". In the United States and Canada, the term "baby teeth" is common. In some Asian countries they are referred to as "falling teeth" because they will eventually fall.

Various cultures have a habit associated with the loss of deciduous teeth. In English-speaking countries, the tooth fairy is a popular childhood fiction that rewards children appreciated when their baby teeth fall out. Children usually put teeth under their pillows at night. The fairy is said to take teeth and replace them with money or small gifts while they sleep. In parts of Australia, Sweden and Norway, children put teeth in a glass of water. In medieval Scandinavia there is a common tradition, surviving up to now in Iceland, from tannfÃÆ' Â © ('gear-money'), a gift to a child when cutting his first gear. In Nigeria, Igbo with the same habit expects a relative or visiting visitor to give gifts or donations to the baby after the visitor sees the baby's firstborn. Hausa culture says that a child with a falling tooth should not let a lizard see his toothless gums because if the lizard sees it, there will be no teeth growing in place.

Another tradition is associated with rodents or other rodents because of their sharp and lasting teeth. The character RatÃÆ'³n PÃÆ' Â © rez appears in the story of The Vain Little Mouse. A Ratoncito PÃÆ' Â © rez is used by Colgate in marketing toothpaste in Venezuela and Spain. In Italy, Tooth Fairy ( Fatina ) is also often replaced by small rats ( topino ). In French and in French-speaking Belgium, this character is called la petite souris ("The Little Mouse"). From the lowlands of Scotland has a tradition similar to the fairy rat: a white fairy who bought a tooth with a coin.

Some traditions have an interest in disposing of warehouse teeth. In Turkey, Cyprus, Mexico, and Greece, children traditionally throw their baby teeth that fall onto the roofs of their homes while making requests. Similarly, in some Asian countries, such as India, Korea, Nepal, the Philippines, and Vietnam, when a child loses a tooth, the usual habit is that he has to throw it on the roof if it comes from the lower jaw, or into the space below the floor if it originates of the upper jaw. While doing this, the boy shouted in demand for the tooth to be replaced with a mouse tooth. This tradition is based on the fact that rat teeth grow for their entire lives, characteristic of all rodents.

In Japan, different call variations for missing upper teeth should be discharged directly to the ground and lower the teeth straight into the air or onto the roof of the house; The idea is that the incoming teeth will grow straight. Some parts of China follow the same tradition of throwing teeth from the lower jaw to the roof and burying the teeth of the upper jaw underground, as a symbol of urging the permanent teeth to grow faster in the right direction.

The Sri Lankan tradition is to throw baby teeth into a roof or tree in front of a squirrel ( Funambulus palmarum ). The boy then tells the squirrel to take the old teeth with new rewards.

In some parts of India, children offer their baby teeth that have been thrown into the sun, sometimes wrapped in cotton cloth. In the state of Assam in India, children throw their baby teeth onto the roof of their house and encourage mice to pick it up and exchange their teeth.

The tradition of throwing baby teeth into the sky to the sun or to God and asking for better teeth to replace them is common in Middle Eastern countries (including Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Sudan). It may have come from a pre-Islamic offering and certainly dates back to at least the 13th century, when Izz bin Hibat Allah Al Hadid mentions it.

In premodern England, missing teeth are usually burned to destroy them. This is partly due to religious reasons linked to the Last Judgment and partly for fear of what might happen if an animal got it. A poem can be said to be a blessing:

Primary Tooth And Permanent Tooth. Illustration Shows Permanent ...
src: previews.123rf.com

See also

  • Permanent teeth
  • Dental development
  • Teeth eruption
  • tooth fairy

The Primary (Deciduous) Teeth (Dental Anatomy, Physiology and ...
src: what-when-how.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
