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In Argentina, there is and has been a case of discrimination based on ethnic characteristics or national origin. In turn, racial discrimination tends to be closely related to discriminatory behavior for socio-economic and political reasons.

In an effort to combat racism in Argentine society, the National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) was created in 1995 by Federal Law 24515.

Different terms and behaviors have spread to discriminate certain parts of the population, especially to those who are referred to as "negros" (blacks), a group that is not well defined in Argentina but which is linked, although not exclusively, to people - skin or dark hair; members of the working class or lower classes (similar to the American term "red neck"); the poor; and recently with crime.

Other racist, xenophobic, and spiteful terms and attitudes have developed against immigrants. Historically, "gallego" (Galician) for the Spanish in general, tano , an apappesis napolitano (Napoletani , from Naples) for Italian and "ruso" (Russia) for Jewish immigrants from the Russian Empire and Europe is a term that carries an annoying connotation. This is to some extent brought to the present, the first as a joke about Galician and the latter as an anti-Semitic insult. Today, words like "bolita", "paragua", and "boliguayo" are derogatory terms to refer to certain immigrants from Latin America, mostly from neighboring countries like Bolivia and Paraguay.

An older xenophobia slur is the use of the name godos ("Goth", in the sense of barbarian) for Spaniards or royalis during the Argentine War of Independence.

Anti-Semitism also exists in Argentina, in a context influenced by a large population of Jewish immigrants and a relatively high mixed marriage rate between these immigrants and other communities.

In many cases, "social relationships have become racial"; for example the term "negro" is used to designate a worker, with no relation to the color of his skin. It is common for people who hold positions of responsibility in business to refer to staff as "negros".

There is an active debate about the depth of racist behavior in Argentina. While some groups argue that it is only a matter of non-offensive or marginal behavior that is denied by most populations, other groups argue that racism is a widespread phenomenon that manifests itself in various ways. Some groups also argue that racism in Argentina is no different from that of other countries in the world, while others claim that Argentine brand racism manifests itself in a number of unique ways related to the country's history, culture. , and the various ethnic groups that interact in the country.

Video Racism in Argentina

Istilah rasial

A series of terms are used in Argentina that have certain discriminatory intentions and are a form of racism.

Negro y negra

In Spain, negro and negra literally means "black". Negro and negra are terms that are widely used in Argentina, across all social classes, including in classes called negro < negra by other social groups. Negro is also one of the most common nicknames, without any offensive meaning.

Paradoxically, the same racist ideology in Argentina that maintains that "no negro (African descent) in Argentina" uses the word negro to appoint a vaguely defined population of workers, the poor, internal migrants, immigrants of Latin America, and indigenous people, without distinction.

VÃÆ'ctor Ramos, president of SOS Internacional, responded in the following manner when asked by a journalist what is the most common racial manifestation in Argentina:

I would say that the most common form, most often seen, is associated with racism against criollo. That is, against those who are also referred to as "cabecita negra" or "morocho". It is often said that in Argentina there is no racism because there is no "negros"... but here there is much discrimination against dark skin, including against indigenous people who have darker skin tones... this happens in the same place. way in all the provinces of our country.

An example of this type of racism is the response given by high level officials from the municipality of Escobar to two entrepreneurs who want to set up a nightclub next to the railway station:

"I do not want to negros here... If I want a nightclub for negros , I'll put it on the outskirts of town, a long way away.

There is a close identification of poverty, race, slums and marginalization in Argentina where philosopher José Pablo Feinmann compares this situation with "Muslim questions" in France.

In 1996, during a diplomatic trip to the United States, when asked about the black population of Argentina, President Carlos Menem said:

"Blacks do not exist in Argentina, Brazil has that problem".

It is also important to note that there is widespread use of the terms negro and negra that have a fraternity meaning altogether without discriminatory intent. Between their friends and family is a common nickname. For example, famous famous singer Mercedes Sosa is known as "Negra Sosa".


  • "Grone" "ne-gro" , backwards) is another racist term that is used extensively in Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires. The word is a product of the type of slang used in the RÃÆ'o de la Plata region which consists of reversing syllables. A "grone" is not always a black person or someone with dark skin color. It basically refers to someone who is disdained because of their social situation; often someone who belongs to the working class or who comes from a working class family. A grone can also refer to a person with light skin, hair and eyes if the person belongs to the working class or shows taste for popular culture. Recently grone or negro has been linked to criminal behavior.
  • "Groncho" is a racist or classist term openly, equivalent to the English word "boom".

This word entered the lexicon in the second half of the 1970s. In the 1980s a famous television sketch called El groncho y la dama was created as part of a Matrimonios y algo mÃÆ'¡s show featuring Cristina del Valle and Hugo Arana. The sketch is a satirical view on marriage between a working-class mechanic and an upper-class woman who calls her husband as "groncho" (in the sense of "vulgar people", not true racist slur) when tempted by her sexual skills.

Rock group BabasÃÆ'³nicos recorded an album titled Groncho in 2000.

  • "Negrada" is a term used in regularity in Argentina and Uruguay and one of its meanings is identical to gronchada . It is also used as an insulting term to refer to a group of people who are described as negros , even though they are not. This example of use is provided by pianist Miguel ÃÆ'ngel Estrella when considering the interrogation he experienced in Uruguay when he was detained by the last military dictatorship during Operation Condor:

    He's running an interrogation. He will say to me: You will never play the piano again. Since you are not a rebel, you are something worse: with your piano and your smile, you get the negrada in the palm of your hand and make them believe that they can hear Beethoven .

Cabecita country

"Cabecita negra" (literally, a small black head) is a historic racist term often used in Argentina. The word was created after the Spanish name of the original bird, the hooded siskin. This is used to underestimate the sectors of society that are somewhat vaguely associated with people who have dark hair and dark-medium skin, belonging to the working class.

The term was coined in Buenos Aires during the 1940s, when major internal migrations began from the rural northern provinces to Buenos Aires and other major urban centers. The impetus for migration is the work of newly created factories that have emerged as a result of industrialization in Argentina.

The Argentine writer GermÃÆ'¡n Rozenmacher (1936-1971) wrote a famous short story in 1961 entitled: "Cabecita negra" that describes everyday racism in Argentina with a harsh reality. The plot relates to a middle-class citizen of European descent, who resent the increasing internal migration of the poor from northern Argentina to Buenos Aires. Part of the story reads:

He wants his son to be there. Not so much to survive against the existing negrosis in his own home, but rather to face all who have no foot or head and to feel friendship with fellow human beings, other civilians. It was as though these wild men suddenly invaded his house.


"Cabeza" (head, in English) is a derivative of cabecita negra that has appeared recently. This tends to refer to someone from rural, simple and unsophisticated, who live in the city. It is also used by some groups of young people to refer to someone who is seen as unwanted, badly dressed, unpleasant; someone who falls outside what is considered a "right" style.


The word indio (Indian, in English) is much less than the term "negro race" in Argentinean common language. There has been a tendency over the last few decades of naming children with native names such as AyelÃÆ' © n, MaitÃÆ' nà © n, or Lautaro; a trend that forced the Argentine government to revise its law prohibiting the use of native names.

However, this term is sometimes used with racist subtexts. For example, the phrase: " Ã,¡chicos, parecen indios! " ("You children look like Indians!"), Although it is no longer widely used, implies "dirty" or " ". Other examples such as: "Yo de pendejo era re-indio" ("When I was little, I was an absolute Indian") and " Mi hermanito es un indio " ("My younger brother is an Indian") is still used to refer to someone who has a rude or irrational attitude, or who acts impulsively.

The historical term malÃÆ'³n , which depicts Mapuche attacks mounted in colonial and Argentine settlements to plunder livestock and supplies from the 17th century through the 19th century, is sometimes used in everyday language in a figurative sense and insulting "hordes".

There is also a tendency to label all indigenous people as indio or indÃÆ'gena without the speaker determining, or even knowing, which group the person is. This is a common practice common to Latin America as a whole and not just Argentina, and directly related to the influence of non-European cultures.


The word mestizo is not often used in everyday speech, although it is relatively common in social and historical sciences, sometimes with racial connotations.

The use of mestizo as a racist term originates from a colonial caste system based on the concept of pure blood: mestizo is considered to be defeated by pure Spain because its blood is mixed which makes it unclean. Although it is now known that biologically there is no such thing as pure people, and various researchers have recycled the term to refer to the exchange of DNA, and various other experts assert that all people and races are the result of mixing previous races , during the Spanish colonization of America, the idea imposed that mestizo should be applied only to people of native and European mixed ancestors, to demarcate their differences from pure people who were generally offspring Europe.

The racist colonial concept of mestizaje to some extent survives to this day, as witnessed by the recent debate on the origins of the JosÃÆ'Ã © de San MartÃÆ'n race, one of the founders of Argentina. Commenting on this phenomenon, historian Hugo Chumbita asserted that "there has been and continues to be a resistance to revise the official history because of the idea that by strengthening the mixture of the race of origin San MartÃÆ'n, then the image of Argentina will be tarnished." In the same vein, an Argentine newspaper reported that conservative voices complained: "If the founding father is a mestizo bastard, then so is Argentina."


The word boliguayo , a combination of boliviano (Bolivia, in English) and banyolo (Paraguay language, in English), is a derogatory term openly that first appeared in the 1990s and its use expanded rapidly in the first decade of the 21st century. The insulting nature of this term comes from the speaker's indifference to immigrant identity, in a manner similar to indio or sudaca .

The following interview with the rugby player shows how the term is used:

Why do they call you Boliguayo ?: I really do not know, they give me a nickname when I'm on my way if my memory is functioning properly. I'm kind of boliguayo (stupid, slow).

Maps Racism in Argentina

Type of racism in Argentina

racism "White-Europe" and Article 25 of the Constitution

In Argentina, a broad racist ideology has been built on the idea of ​​European supremacy. This ideology continues the idea that Argentina is a country inhabited by European immigrants "bajados de los barcos" (directly from the ship), often referred to as "our grandfather", who founded a special kind of "white" and a non-Latin American society. Moreover, this ideology states that cultural influences from other communities such as Aboriginal, African, fellow Latin Americans, or Asians are irrelevant and even undesirable.

The white-European racism in Argentina has a history of government participation. Ideology even has the legal basis set forth in Article 25 of the National Constitution sponsored by Juan Bautista Alberdi. This article sets the difference between European immigration (which should be encouraged) and non-European immigration.

Alberdi, an article sponsor and father of the Argentine Constitution of 1853, explains in his own words the basis of White-European discrimination:

Discrimination between European and non-European immigration established by Article 25 of the Constitution has survived all subsequent constitutional reforms (1860, 1868, 1898, 1949, 1957, 1972 and 1994).

Alberdi claims that "a species-enhancing race" in Argentina where those from North-West Europe, especially Britain and France. Alberdi is of Basque descent and therefore brings a special grudge to Spain where the Basques often become oppressed minorities. Alberdi was also very partial to France where he spent most of his life in exile and where he died in 1884. In this way, despite his predominantly Hispanic, Mediterranean, Latin, Catholic, and Orthodox Argentine cultures, Alberti proposed a semi-nordicist policy somewhat similar to later White Australia policies and the United States Immigration Act of 1924.

Alberdi, who is a supporter of French as the national language of Argentina, believes that Hispanic and Christian traditions are the enemy of progress and support discrimination against immigration of France, Spain, Italy, and Judaism.

On the other hand, the Argentine racist ideology of the Jews became stronger over time. The culmination of this trend came when Argentina's foreign minister during Roberto M. Ortiz's presidency issued a secret order in 1938 to deny Jewish immigrant visas to Argentina.


Leonardo Senkman, editor of Antisemitism in Argentina , states:

In contemporary Argentina - home to the most significant Jewish community in Latin America - anti-Semitism has become an extremely complicated and endemic phenomenon.

Serious acts of racism against Jews have been committed in Argentina, such as the Argentine Chancellor's secret order of 1938 to prevent the arrival of Jews in national territory and terrorist attacks against the Israeli embassy in 1992 and Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina in 1994. terrorist attacks against targets Jews have sparked a debate between those who believe they are not anti-Semitic and those who believe that the attack was "the worst anti-Semitic act since the second world war".

In an attempt to synthesize the positions of both sides of the debate, researcher Daniel Lvovich has written:

The attack on AMIA is one of the most important anti-Semitic acts of the past, but the opposite is that thousands of demonstrators have gone down the street with signs saying "We are all Jews".

In 1937, during the reign of AugustÃÆ'Â P. Justo, the consul of Argentina in Gdynia, Poland sent several notes to Minister Carlos Saavedra Lama under the "Jewish issue" which showed the general anti-Semitic sentiment of the Argentine government. In a letter sent July 13, 1937, on the night of the Nazi invasion, the consul wrote:

I would argue that it would be better to prevent Jewish immigration to Argentina. The Jews left Poland carrying a deep hatred of Christianity, and were ready to execute the most terrible excesses.

During the military regime in Argentina, and especially during the dictatorship known as Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, serious anti-Semitic acts of violence took place. Some were tortured, degraded, and even killed for the only fact of being Jewish. In secret detention centers it is common practice to burn the Star of David into the body of Jewish prisoners. Ramon Camp, the Chief of Police in Buenos Aires, who allegedly kidnapped and tortured Jacobo Timerman, claimed that the Zionists were enemies of Argentina and had plans to destroy the country. This ideology is used as a pretext for applying illegal repressive methods to solve the so-called "Jewish problems".

Antisemitism in everyday life is widely seen in Argentina. A prime example of this happens regularly at an association football club of Atlanta located in the Villa Crespo neighborhood in Buenos Aires, a district that has a significant Jewish population. For several years now the fans of the opposing team took root for their clubs by waving Nazi flags and throwing soap into the playing field.

A report by DAIA revealed that discriminatory acts against Jews in Argentina increased by 32% in 2006.

Racism against other Latin Americans

Paraguay and Bolivia are the two main sources of Latin American immigrants to Argentina in 2007. It is estimated that nearly 5% of the population in Argentina comes from Paraguay or Bolivia, or has the ancestors of Bolivia or Paraguay.

In this cultural context, fans of CA River Plate, the Buenos Aires football club with middle-class support, regularly sing songs aimed at fans of their rivals Boca Juniors, calling them "fag negroes from Bolivia and Paraguay", due to the existence of lower-class Boca clubs.

Another incident was a racially motivated killing against Marcelina Meneses and her ten-month-old son Josua Torrez, who was driven under a train that moved near Avellaneda station on July 10, 2001. The Bolivian community in Argentina protested the slogan "Do not forget Marcelina".

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Contemporary demography

The current Argentine population reflects the government's previous immigration policies in the 19th and 20th centuries only partially, given that Italians and Spaniards are not meant to dominate as they do. There are also significant German, Slav, British and French populations.

Maradona denies racism claim -

See also

  • Argentine demographics
  • Eurocentrism
  • Racism
  • Social class
  • Xenophobia

Brazil |


Source of the article : Wikipedia
