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Operation Enduring Freedom - Wikipedia

Enduring Freedom Operations ( OEF ) is the official name used by the US government for the Global War on Terrorism. On October 7, 2001, in response to the September 11 attacks, President George W. Bush announced that air strikes targeting Al Qaeda and the Taliban had begun in Afghanistan. Operation Enduring Freedom mainly refers to the War in Afghanistan, but is also affiliated with counterterrorism operations in other countries, such as OEF-Philippines and OEF-Trans Sahara.

After 13 years, on December 28, 2014, President Barack Obama announced the end of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The continued operation in Afghanistan by US military forces, both non-combat and battle, now takes place under the name of Operation Freedom's Sentinel.

Video Operation Enduring Freedom

Subordinate operations

Operation Enduring Freedom most often refers to a US-led combat mission in Afghanistan], which is a NATO military alliance between the United States, Great Britain and Afghanistan. OEF is also affiliated with counterterrorism operations in other countries targeting Al Qaeda and Taliban remnants, such as the OEF-Philippines and OEF-Trans Sahara, primarily through government funding vehicles.

  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan (OEF-A), October 2001 - December 31, 2014. Replaced by Operation Freedom's Sentinel.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Philippines (OEF-P, formerly Operation Freedom Eagle), January 15, 2002 - February 24, 2015
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA)
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Pankisi Gorge
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara (OEF-TS; see also Rebellion at Maghreb)
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Caribbean and Central America (OEF-CCA)
  • Operation Enduring Freedom - Kyrgyzstan, December 18, 2001 - June 3, 2014

Maps Operation Enduring Freedom


The US government used the term "Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan" to officially describe the War in Afghanistan, from the period between October 2001 and December 2014. Continuing operations in Afghanistan by US military forces, both non-combat and combat, now takes place under the name Operation Freedom's Sentinel.

This operation was originally called Operation Infinite Justice, but because a similar phrase has been used by adherents of some religions as an exclusive description of God, it is believed to have been changed to avoid offenses against Muslims, who are the majority religion in Afghanistan.. In September 2001, US President George W. Bush's statement that "this crusade, the war on terrorism, will take a long time", which prompted widespread criticism from the Islamic world, may also have contributed to the renaming of operations.

The term "OEF-A" usually refers to the War phase in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Other operations, such as the Georgia Train and Equip Program, are only loosely connected or nominal, such as through government funding vehicles. All operations, however, have a focus on counterterrorism activities.

Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan, a joint operation of the United States, Britain and Afghanistan, is separate from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), which is an operation of the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization including the US and the UK. Both operations are running. in parallel, although it has been suggested that they join.

File:Operation Enduring Freedom - djibouti2.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


In response to the September 11 attacks, the initial combat operations took place on October 7, 2001 to include a strike mixture of ground-based B-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit and B-52 Stratofortress bombers, carrier-based F -14 Tomcat and F/A- 18 Hornet fighters, and Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from US and British ships and submarines mark the start of Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan (OEF-A).

The initial OEF-A military objectives, as articulated by President George W. Bush in his September 20 speech to the Congressional Joint Congress and his October 7 speech to the country, including the destruction of terrorist training camps and infrastructure in Afghanistan, the capture of al-Qaeda leaders, and the cessation of terrorist activities in Afghanistan.

In January 2002, more than 1,200 soldiers from the US Pacific Special Operations Command (SOCPAC) were deployed to the Philippines to support the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP) in their bid to lift terrorist forces on Basilan island. Of the groups including the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah. The operation consisted of AFP training in counter-terrorist operations as well as supporting local communities with humanitarian assistance in Operation Smiles.

In October 2002, the Combined Task Force 150 and the United States Military Special Forces established themselves in Djibouti at Camp Lemonnier. The stated purpose of the operation is to provide humanitarian and patrol assistance in the Horn of Africa to reduce the ability of terrorist organizations in the region. Similar to OEF-P, humanitarian aid objectives are emphasized, as if to prevent militant organizations from being able to hold among the population as well as reappear after being removed.

The military aspect involves coalition forces searching and boarding vessels entering the area for illegal loads and providing training and equipment for the armed forces in the region. The humanitarian aspect involves the building of schools, clinics, and water wells to uphold the trust of local communities.

Since 2001, the US government's cumulative spending on Operation Enduring Freedom has surpassed $ 150 billion.

The operation continued, with the military direction mostly coming from the US Central Command.

Operation Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan War (documentary) - YouTube

Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan (OEF -A)


Seized on a power vacuum after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan after their invasion, the Taliban sas government role from 1996-2001. Their extreme interpretation of Islamic law encourages them to ban music, television, sports and dancing, and enforce harsh judicial punishment (See Human Rights in Afghanistan). Amputation is a form of punishment accepted for stealing, and public execution can often be seen at the Kabul football stadium. Women's rights groups around the world are often critical when the Taliban forbids women from appearing in public or holding many jobs outside the home. They drew further criticism when they destroyed the Buddhas of Bamyan, the historical statues of nearly 1500 years, because the Buddhas are considered idols.

In 1996, Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden moved to Afghanistan at the invitation of North Alliance leader Abdur Rabb ur Rasool Sayyaf. When the Taliban came to power, bin Laden was able to form an alliance between the Taliban and his al-Qaeda organization. It is understood that al-Qaeda-trained fighters known as Brigade 055 were integrated with Taliban forces between 1997 and 2001. It is thought that the Taliban and bin Laden have a very close relationship.

US-led coalition action

On September 20, 2001, the United States stated that Osama bin Laden was behind the September 11 attacks in 2001. The US made a five-point ultimatum to the Taliban:

  • Send to the US all al-Qaeda leaders
  • Unleash all imprisoned foreign nationals
  • Close every terrorist training camp immediately
  • immediately
  • Submit every terrorist and supporter to the appropriate authorities
  • Give the United States full access to the terrorist training camp for review

On Sept. 21, 2001, the Taliban rejected this ultimatum, stating there is no evidence in their ownership linking Bin Laden with the September 11 attacks.

On September 22, 2001, the United Arab Emirates and then Saudi Arabia withdrew their recognition of the Taliban as an Afghan legal government, leaving neighboring Pakistan as the only country left with diplomatic ties.

On October 4, 2001, it was reported that the Taliban secretly offered to hand Bin Laden to Pakistan for trial in an international court operating under Islamic sharia law. On October 7, 2001, the Taliban proposed to try bin Laden in Afghanistan in an Islamic court. This proposition was immediately rejected by the US. Later on the same day, the United States and British troops began military action against the Taliban, bombing Taliban forces and al-Qaeda terrorist training camps.

On October 14, 2001, the Taliban proposed to surrender bin Laden to a third country for trial, but only if they were given evidence of bin Laden's involvement in the events of 11 September 2001. The United States rejected this proposal and military operations took place.

The UN Security Council, on January 16, 2002, unanimously adopted the arms embargo and freeze of bin Laden's identifiable assets, al-Qaeda and the remaining Taliban.

Combat operations begin

On Sunday, October 7, 2001, American and British troops began an air bombing campaign targeting Taliban and al-Qaeda forces.

The Northern Alliance, assisted by a Joint Special Operations team composed of Green Berets from the 5th Special Forces Group, aircrew members from the 160th Special Operations Flight Regiment (SOAR), and Air Force Combat Controller, fought against the Taliban. Aided by US bombings and massive defections, they arrested Mazar-i-Sharif on November 9th. They then quickly took control of much of northern Afghanistan, and took over Kabul on 13 November after the Taliban unexpectedly escaped from the city. The Taliban are confined to smaller and smaller areas, with Kunduz, the last northern Taliban-owned city, captured on Nov. 26. Most of the Taliban fled to Pakistan.

The war continues in the south of the country, where the Taliban retreat to Kandahar. After Kandahar falls in December, the remnants of the Taliban and al-Qaeda continue to rise. Meanwhile, in November 2001 the US military and its allies set up their first land base in Afghanistan to the southwest of Kandahar, known as the FOB Rhino.

The Battle of Tora Bora, involving US, British and Northern Alliance forces, took place in December 2001 to further destroy the Taliban and suspect al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. In early March 2002, the US military, along with Afghan allied military forces, carried out major operations to destroy al-Qaeda in an operation called Operation Anaconda.

This operation was carried out by elements of the 10th Mountain Division of the United States, 101st Airborne Division, US special forces group TF 11, TF Bowie, Dagger TF, TF K-Bar, British Marines, Norway Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK), HÃÆ'Â|rens Jegerkommando and Marinejegerkommandoen , 3 Canadian Light Infantry Canadian Female Battalion Patricia, Canadian Combined Task Force 2, German KSK, and Elements of the Service Regiment Australia's Special Air and New Zealand Special Air Services and the Afghan National Army.

Having managed to avoid US troops throughout the summer of 2002, the remnants of the Taliban are gradually beginning to regain their confidence. Operations led by the US and Canada (backed by British and Dutch forces), Operation Mountain Thrust was launched in May 2006 to fight an updated Taliban insurgency.

Since January 2006, NATO's International Security Assistance Force has carried out combat tasks from Operation Enduring Freedom in southern Afghanistan, NATO forces mainly composed of British, Canadian and Dutch troops (and some smaller contributions from Denmark, Romania and Estonia and air support from Norway as well as air and artillery support from the US) ( see the Coalition of combat operations articles in Afghanistan in 2006 ). The US military also conducted separate military operations from NATO as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in other parts of Afghanistan, in areas such as Kandahar, Bagram and Kabul (including Camp Eggers and Camp Phoenix.)

International support

The United States was supported by several countries during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan in 2001-2003 and in subsequent coalition operations directly or indirectly in support of the OEF. See the Afghan War Battle article for the disposition of coalition forces currently in Afghanistan.


The US-led coalition initially removed the Taliban from power and paralyzed al-Qaeda and its militants in Afghanistan. However, success in extinguishing the Taliban insurgency since the 2001 invasion has been mixed. Many believe that the Taliban can not be defeated as long as they have shelter in neighboring Pakistan, and that Operation Enduring Freedom has turned into a continuing war with no end in sight.

On October 9, 2004, Afghanistan elected president Hamid Karzai in his first direct election. The following year, the Afghan people voted for the Afghan parliament, 2005 on September 18. Since the invasion, hundreds of schools and mosques have been built, millions of dollars in aid have been distributed, and the occurrence of violence has diminished.

While military forces forbid rebels and ensure security, the provincial reconstruction team is tasked with building infrastructure, such as building roads and bridges, helping during floods, and providing food and water to refugees. Many warlords have participated in loyalty programs, acknowledged the legitimacy of the Afghan government, and surrendered their troops and weapons; However, subsequent action has led to questions about their true allegiance.

Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police and Afghan Border Police are being trained to take on the task of securing their country.

On December 31, 2014, Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan was closed, and was replaced by Operation Freedom's Sentinel on January 1, 2015.


AFP, reported a report in Sunday, April 3rd, 2004, The New Yorker issue, writes that Retired Army Colonel Hy Rothstein, "who served in Armed Forces Special Forces for more than 20 years,... commissioned by The Pentagon to examine the war in Afghanistan concluded the conflict created a condition that has given 'warlordism, bandits and opium resulted in a new contract on life'... "

The actions of US forces were criticized in a report titled Detaining Freedom - Breach by US Forces in Afghanistan by US-based Human Rights Watch in 2004. Some Pakistani experts, such as Masood Ashraf Raja, editor Pakistaniaat, has also provided a more specific form of criticism related to the consequences of the Global War on Terrorism in the region.

1st Battalion, 6th Marines - Wikiwand

Perpetual Endurance Operations - Philippines (OEF -P)

Abu Sayyaf Group

Abu Sayyaf (ASG) group Al Harakat Al Islamiyya, is considered a "foreign terrorist organization" by the United States government. In particular, it is an Islamist separatist group based in and around the southern islands of the Republic of the Philippines, especially Jolo, Basilan, and Mindanao.

Since the early 1990s, the group has carried out bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, and extortion in their struggle for an independent Islamic state in western Mindanao and the Sulu Islands. The main objective is to create Pan-Islamic supremacist nations in all parts of Southeast Asia, ranging from east to west, large islands of Mindanao, Sulu Islands (Basilan and Jolo Islands), large islands of Borneo ( Malaysia and Indonesia), South China Sea, and Malay Peninsula (Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar).

Jemaah Islamiyah

Jemaah Islamiyah is a militant Islamic terrorist organization dedicated to the creation of fundamentalist Islamic theocracy in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, southern Thailand and the Philippines. Jemaah Islamiyah initially used peaceful means to achieve its goals, but then used terrorism because of its relationship with al-Qaeda.

The financial ties between Jemaah Islamiyah and other terrorist groups, such as the Abu Sayyaf and al-Qaeda, have been found to exist. Jemaah Islamiyah means "Islamic Group" or "Islamic Community" and often abbreviated as JI.

Jemaah Islamiyah is believed to have killed hundreds of civilians. Also, allegedly carrying the Bali car bombing on October 12, 2002, in which a suicide bomber attacked a nightclub killing 202 people and injuring many more. Most of the victims were Australian tourists. After this attack, the US State Department established Jemaah Islamiyah as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Jemaah Islamiyah was also suspected of bombing Zamboanga, Metro Manila bombing, the 2004 Australian Embassy bombings and the 2005 Bali terrorist bombing.

AS. action

In January 2002, 1,200 members of the US Special Operations Command, Pacific (SOCPAC) were deployed to the Philippines to assist the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP) in depriving Al-Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiyah and Abu Sayyaf. SOCPAC members are assigned to assist in military operations against terrorist forces as well as humanitarian operations for Basilan island, where most of the conflicts are expected to occur.

The United States Armed Forces Special Forces (TN) trains and equips the AFP scout's special forces and guides, creating Light Reaction Company (LRC). LRC and SOCPAC elements were deployed to Basilan at the completion of their training. The stated objectives of the deployment rejected ASG sanctuaries, supervised, controlled and rejected the ASG route, oversee key villages and support personnel, conducted local training to address AFP weakness and defend AFP forces, support operations by AFP "combat troops" LRC) in the area of ​​responsibility (AOR), conducting and supporting civil affairs operations in the AOR.


The desired result is for AFP to gain sufficient capability to locate and destroy ASGs, to restore hostages and to increase the legitimacy of the Philippine government. Most of the operations were successful: ASG was expelled from Basilan and one US hostage was found. The Abu Sayyaf Group, formerly more than 800 members, was reduced to less than 100. The humanitarian part of the operation, Operation Smiles, created 14 schools, 7 clinics, 3 hospitals and provided medical care to more than 18,000 Basilan residents. Humanitarian groups can continue their work without fear of further kidnappings and terrorist attacks by the Abu Sayyaf Group.

Operation Enduring Freedom 2011-2012 - YouTube

Enduring Freedom Operation - Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA)

Unlike other operations contained in Operation Enduring Freedom, the OEF-HOA does not have a specific terrorist organization as a target. OEF-HOA instead focuses its efforts to disrupt and detect terrorist activities in the region and work with host countries to reject the re-emergence of terrorist cells and activities. The operation began in mid-2002 at Camp Lemonier by the Combined Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF) plus by support troops from Fort Stewart, Fort Hood, and Fort Story. In October 2002, the Combined Task Force, the Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) was established in Djibouti at Camp Lemonier, taking over responsibility from CJSOTF. The CJTF-HOA consists of about 2,000 personnel including the US military and the Special Operations Force (SOF), and members of the coalition forces, Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150). Coalition forces consist of ships from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, India, Italy, Pakistan, New Zealand, Spain, Turkey and the UK. The main objective of the coalition forces is to monitor, check, install, and stop shipments suspected of entering the Horn of Africa region. Since 2003, the US military has also conducted an operation targeting Al-Qaeda-linked fighters in Somalia, these operations are reported to have killed between 113 and 136 militants by early 2016. On March 7, 2016, another 150 were killed in a US air strike on al Shabaab. training camp north of Mogadishu.

CJTF-HOA has devoted most of its efforts to training certain armed forces units in the countries of Djibouti, Kenya, and Ethiopia in counterterrorism and counter-insurgency tactics. The humanitarian efforts undertaken by CJTF-HOA include the rebuilding of schools and medical clinics, as well as providing medical services to countries whose troops are being trained. The program evolved as part of the Trans-Sahara Terror Prevention Initiative as CJTF personnel also assisted in training the strengths of Chad, Niger, Mauritania and Mali.

AS. action

"Operation Enduring Freedom"

  • October 7, 2001 - December 28, 2014
  • Victims of U.S. Coalition: 3,486 Die
  • Taliban/Al-Qaeda: 25,500-40,500 Death

Anti-piracy operations were carried out by coalitions throughout 2006 with combat battles in March when a US ship was attacked by pirates. In January 2007, during the war in Somalia, AC-130 air strikes were carried out against al-Qaeda members pinned by Union of Islamic Courts (ICU) forces operating in southern Somalia near Ras Kamboni. US naval forces, including the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, are positioned off the coast of Somalia to provide support and prevent Al Qaeda forces from fleeing by sea. Acts against pirates also occurred in June and October 2007 with varying amounts of success.

"Support Resolute Operation/Freedom Sentinel"

  • January 1, 2015 - Now
  • Victim of U.S. Coalition: 30 Dead
  • Taliban/Al-Qaeda: 15.75 Dead

Effective January 1, 2015, Defense Minister Hagel announces that a new US mission in Afghanistan will focus on training, advising and assisting Afghan security forces and being designated Freedom's Sentinel Operations. 19 About 13,500 US troops are expected in Afghanistan until 2015 and will be assisted by troops from NATO allies.

File:5th Marines' Operation Enduring Freedom Memorial.jpg ...

Military decorations

Since 2002, the US military has created military awards and decorations associated with Operation Enduring Freedom

  • Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
  • Afghan Campaign Medal

NATO also created a military decoration associated with Operation Enduring Freedom:

  • Non-Article 5 ISAF NATO Medal

MY POSTCARD-PAGE: AFGHANISTAN ~Operation Enduring Freedom~

See also

  • Coalition of victims in Afghanistan

Operation Enduring Freedom - Wikiwand


Operation Enduring Freedom | Yale Scientific Magazine

Further reading

  • Maloney, Sean M (2005), Withholding Freedom: The Rogue Historian in Afghanistan , Washington, DC: Potomac Books, ISBNÃ , 1-57488-953-2 Ã, .

28th January 2003 Operation Enduring Freedom: a US Marines ...

External links

  • The Enduring Freedom Foundation
  • Moorthy, Neelesh (July 6, 2016). "Obama increases US troops to remain in Afghanistan by 2016". Politifact.
  • Koontz, Christopher N, ed. (2008). Enduring Voices: Oral Histories of US Army Experience in Afghanistan, 2003-2005 . Washington, DC: US ​​Army Military Historical Center. CMH Pub 70-112-1. Ã , full text available online

Source of the article : Wikipedia
