Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

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This Is Your Body on Laughter - Pacific Standard
src: psmag.com

Laughter is a physical reaction in humans that usually consists of rhythmic contractions, often heard diaphragms and other parts of the respiratory system. This is a response to certain external or internal stimuli. Laughter can arise from activities such as tickling, or from funny stories or thoughts. Most commonly, this is considered a visual expression of a number of positive emotional states, such as joy, joy, happiness, help, etc. But on some occasions, it may be caused by an emotional state such as shame, apology, or confusion such as nervous laughter or laughter of modesty. Age, gender, education, language, and culture are factors whether a person will experience laughter in certain situations. Some other primate species (monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans) show vocalizations of laughter such as responding to physical contact such as wrestling, chasing or tickling.

Laughter is a part of human behavior organized by the brain, helping humans to clarify their intentions in social interactions and provide an emotional context for conversation. Laughter is used as a signal to be part of a group - it signifies acceptance and positive interaction with others. Laughter is sometimes considered contagious, and laughter from one person alone can provoke laughter from others as a positive feedback. This may be part of the popularity of laughter songs in sitcoms.

The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body, is called gelotology.

Video Laughter


Laughter can be regarded as an audible expression or appearance of joy, a feeling of joy and inner happiness. This can happen because of jokes, tickles, and other stimuli that are totally unrelated to psychological conditions, such as nitrous oxide. One group of researchers speculated that the voices of a baby as early as 16 days old may sound laughter or laughter, but the weight of evidence supports her performance at the age of 15 weeks to four months.

Laughter researcher Robert Provine said: "Laughter is a mechanism that everyone has, laughing is part of the universal human vocabulary.There are literally thousands of languages, hundreds of thousands of dialects, but everyone speaks laughter in almost the same way." Babies have the ability to laugh before they speak. Children born blind and deaf still maintain the ability to laugh.

Provine argues that "Laughter is primitive, vocalization is unconscious." Provine argues that it may be genetic. In a study of "Giggle Twins", two happy twins who were separated at birth and merely reunited 43 years later, Provine reported that "until they meet each other, none of these very happy women have known anyone who laughs as much as they do. " They report this even though they both have been united by their adoptive parents, whom they indicate as "non-judgmental and upset." He pointed out that the twins "inherited some aspects of their voice and laughter patterns, the readiness to laugh, and perhaps even a sense of humor."

Norman Cousins ​​developed a recovery program that combines the megadoses of Vitamin C, along with the positive attitudes, love, faith, hope, and laughter induced by Marx Brothers films. "I made a happy discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep," he reported. "When the pain-killing effect of the laughter goes off, we'll turn on the film projector again and not infrequently, it will lead to other pain-free intervals."

Scientists have noted similarities in the form of laughter caused by tickling among various primates, suggesting that laughter comes from the same origin among primate species.

A very rare neurological condition has been observed in which the patient can not laugh out loud, a condition known as aphonogelia.

Maps Laughter


Neurophysiology suggests that laughter is associated with the activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which results in endorphins. Scientists have shown that part of the limbic system is involved in laughter. This system engages in emotions and helps us with the functions necessary for human survival. The structures in the limbic system involved in laughter are the hippocampus and amygdala.

The December 7, 1984, Journal of the American Medical Association explains the causes of neurological laughter as follows:

"Although there is no known 'center of laughter' in the brain, its neural mechanism has been the subject of much speculation, although it is not convincing.It is clear that its expression depends on the neural pathways that arise in close association with the associated telencephalic and diencephalic centers with respiration, Wilson considers the mechanisms to be in the region of the mesial thalamus, the hypothalamus, and the subthalamus, Kelly and co-workers, in turn, postulate that the adjacent periaqueductal gray tegmentum contains an integration mechanism. Therefore, the supranuclear pathway, including those derived from the hypothesized limbic system by Papez to mediate emotional expression such as laughter, may come into the synaptic relationship within the reticular nucleus of the brain stem. Thus, while pure emotional responses such as laughter are mediated by subcortical structures, especially hypothalamus, and stereotyped, the cerebral cortex may modulate or suppress it. "

Some drugs are known for their faciliities that facilitate laughter (eg ethanol and marijuana), while others, such as salvinorin A (the active ingredient of Salvia divinorum ), can even trigger an uncontrollable burst of laughter.

A research article published December 1, 2000 on the psycho-evolution of laughter (Panksepp 2000).

src: laughtertherapy.org.uk


The relationship between laughter and healthy functioning of blood vessels was first reported in 2005 by researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center with the fact that laughter causes dilatation of the inner lining of blood vessels, endothelium, and improves blood flow. Drs. Michael Miller (University of Maryland) and William Fry (Stanford), theorize that beta-endorphins such as compounds released by the hypothalamus activate receptors on the endothelial surface to release nitric oxide, resulting in widening of the vessels. Other cardioprotective properties of nitric oxide include reduced inflammation and decreased platelet aggregation.

Laughter has proven beneficial effects on many other aspects of biochemistry. It has been shown to cause the reduction of stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. When laughing the brain also releases endorphins that can relieve physical pain. Laughter also increases the number of cells that produce antibodies and increases the effectiveness of T-cells, leading to a stronger immune system. A 2000 study found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh and be able to recognize humor in various situations, compared to people of the same age without heart disease.

Laughter - Original MLP Music by AcoustiMandoBrony - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

In interaction

A number of studies using conversational analysis and discourse analysis methods have documented the systematic work of laughter in various interactions, from casual conversations to interviews, meetings, and therapy sessions. Working with recorded interactions, researchers have made detailed transcripts that show not only the presence of laughter but also the production and placement features.

These studies challenge some of the widely held assumptions about the nature of laughter. Contrary to the assumption that it was spontaneous and unintentional, the research document that laughter is arranged sequentially and placed appropriately relative to the surrounding talks. Much more than a response to humor, laughter often serves to manage delicate and serious moments. More than just external behavior "caused" by the state of mind, laughter is very communicative and helps achieve action and manage relationships.

src: d3534p9h9e6ys6.cloudfront.net


The common cause of laughter is the sensation of joy and humor; However, other situations can cause laughter as well.

A general theory that explains laughter is called the aid theory . Sigmund Freud sums it up in his theory that laughter releases tension and "psychic energy". This theory is one justification of the belief that laughter is beneficial to one's health. This theory explains why laughter can be used as a coping mechanism when someone is angry, angry or sad.

The philosopher John Morreall theorizes that human laughter may have its biological origins as a kind of shared expression of relief when it passes through danger. In contrast, Friedrich Nietzche, suggests laughter as a reaction to the existential loneliness and death that only humans feel.

For example: a joke creates inconsistency and the audience automatically tries to understand what inconsistency means; if they solve this 'cognitive puzzle' and they realize that the surprise is harmless, they laugh with relief. Otherwise, if inconsistency is not resolved, there is no laugh, as Mack Sennett says: "when the audience is confused, it does not laugh." This is one of the basic laws of a comedian, referred to as "accuracy". It is important to note that sometimes inconsistencies can be resolved and there may still be no laughter. Because laughter is a social mechanism, the audience may not feel as if they are in danger, and that laughter may not happen. In addition, the extent to which inconsistencies (and their aspects of time and rhythm) have to do with the amount of perceived danger, and how hard or long they laugh.

Laughter can also be caused by tickling. Although most people find it unpleasant, tingling often causes a heavy laugh, which is considered a body reflex (which is often uncontrollable).

Laughter releases 'feel good hormones' to promote social bonding
src: cdn1.medicalnewstoday.com


Laughter can be classified according to:

  1. intensity: small laughter, titter, giggling, chortle, cackle, belly laughter, sputtering bursts.
  2. Behavior: snicker, snigger, laugh out loud.
  3. respiratory pattern involved: snorting.
  4. The emotion is expressed with: relief, joy, joy, happiness, shame, apology, confusion, nervous laughter, paradoxical laughter, laughter of modesty, evil laughter.
  5. the order of the tone or tone it produces. This may be measured subjectively on the Andreoli scale for heartiness, with higher sizes indicating greater strength, generally in the male aspect.

The structure and anatomy of human laughter

Normal laughter has the structure of "ha-ha-ha" or "ho-ho-ho." It is unnatural, and a person is not physically capable, has a laughter structure "ha-ho-ha-ho." The common variations of laughter most often occur on the first or last note in a sequence - therefore, laughter "ho-ha-ha" or "ha-ha-ho" is possible. The duration of normal records with very long or short "inter-note intervals" does not occur because of the result of our vocal limitations. This basic structure allows one to recognize laughter despite individual variants.

It has also been determined that the moist eye while laughing as a reflex of the tear glands.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine by Sintia Marquez
src: img.haikudeck.com

Negative aspects

Laughter is not always a pleasant experience and is associated with some negative phenomena. Excessive laughter can lead to cataplexy, and unpleasant laughter, excessive excitement, and awkward laughter can be considered a negative aspect of laughter. An unpleasant laughter spell, or "sham mirth," usually occurs in people with neurological conditions, including patients with pseudobulbar palsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. These patients seemed to laugh with amusement but reported that they felt an unwanted sensation "at the time of the punch line."

Excessive excitement is a common symptom associated with manic-depressive psychosis and mania/hypomania. Those who suffer from schizophrenic psychosis seem to suffer the opposite - they do not understand humor or get pleasure from it. Compatibility describes the abnormal time when a person can not control a person's laughter or body, sometimes causing seizures or short periods of unconsciousness. Some people believe that the right laughter is a form of epilepsy.

Laughter Yoga - One Whole Health - Leah Lund, Holistic Health Coach
src: onewholehealth.com

Laughter therapy

Laughter has been used as a therapeutic tool for many years because it is a natural form of medicine. Laughter is available to everyone and benefits a person's physical, emotional, and social health. Some benefits of using laughter therapy is to reduce stress and relax the whole body. It can also boost the immune system and release endorphins to reduce pain. In addition, laughter can help prevent heart disease by increasing blood flow and improving blood vessel function. Some emotional benefits include less anxiety or fear, improves overall mood, and adds joy to one's life. Laughter is also known to reduce allergic reactions in early studies related to dust mite allergy sufferers.

Laughter therapy also has several social benefits, such as strengthening relationships, improving teamwork and reducing conflict, and making yourself more attractive to others. Therefore, whether someone tries to overcome terminal illness or simply tries to manage their stress level or anxiety, laughter therapy can be a significant improvement in their life.

10 People Who Literally Died From Laughter | Thought Catalog
src: thoughtcatalog.files.wordpress.com


Laughter in literature, although considered by some, is a subject that has received attention in written words for thousands of years. The use of humor and laughter in literature has been studied and analyzed by many thinkers and writers, from the ancient Greek philosophers to the next. Laughter Henri Bergson: The Essay on the Meaning of Comics ( Le rire , 1901) is an important contribution of the 20th century.

Ancient Greek


For Herodotus, laughter can be divided into three types:

  • Those who are innocent make mistakes, but do not know about their own vulnerabilities
  • Those who are angry
  • Those who are too confident

According to Donald Lateiner, Herodotus reports on laughter for valid literary and historiological reasons. "Herodotus believed that both the better (better, the god's) nature and human nature coincide adequately, or that the latter is merely an aspect or analogue of the former, so to the recipients of the results is advised." When reporting laughter, Herodotus does so in the belief that it tells the reader something about the future and/or character of the person who is laughing. In this sense it is also no coincidence that about 80% of the times when Herodotus spoke of laughter, followed by retribution. "Those who report the bargain deserve a sign, because laughter connotes a disgusting contempt, belittles the feeling of superiority, and the feelings and actions that come from it attract the anger of the gods."

Modern laughter and humor


Thomas Hobbes understands the superiority of laughter in a much broader sense than Aristotle's aesthetic and quasi-moral sense, the seed of superiority theory is Greek. In Hobbes's own words: "The spirit of laughter is nothing but a sudden glory arising from a sudden conception of a certain position within ourselves, compared to the weaknesses of others, or with ourselves before."


The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer devotes the 13th chapter of the first part of his main work, the World as Will and Representation , into laughter.


Friedrich Nietzsche distinguishes two different purposes for the use of laughter. In a positive sense, "humans use humor as a therapy against logical and logical morality reasons." He needs from time to time a harmless downturn of reason and difficulty and in this sense laughter has a positive character for Nietzsche. " Laughter can, however, also have negative connotations when used for the expression of social conflict. This is expressed, for example, in The Gay Science : "Laughing - Laughter means being schadenfroh, but with a clean conscience."

"Perhaps Nietzsche's works will have an entirely different effect, if the playful, ironic and joking in his writings would be a better factor"


In Laughter: Essays on the Meaning of Comics, French philosopher Henri Bergson, renowned for his philosophical studies of materiality, memory, life and consciousness, attempts to define comic laws and understand the underlying causes of the comic situation. His method consists in determining the causes of comics rather than analyzing their effects. He also deals with laughter in relation to human life, collective imagination and art, to have better knowledge of society. One theory of essays is that laughter, as a collective activity, has a social and moral role, in forcing people to eliminate their ugliness. This is a factor of behavioral uniformity, because it condemns ridiculous and eccentric behavior.


Source of the article : Wikipedia
